Tarot: Facts and Myths
Myths cling to tarot cards because the stories appeal to our need to have something special, something that evokes the mystical as we hope Tarot cards will.
Myths cling to tarot cards because the stories appeal to our need to have something special, something that evokes the mystical as we hope Tarot cards will.
Of course, there are many more than 7 ways to clean a tarot deck. Here’s a quick list to help you get started. Try them all and see which ones you like best. The most important element is that you have the intention to clean and then do some act that furthers your intention. Here’s 7 different type of acts to use with your intention.
Sunday, Feb 27th is the day to make symbolic gestures. Your subconscious is watching to see what you do, not what you say. So move forward on an important goal. Reach out to those you miss seeing. Set aside time for your passion project. Now is when the actions you take will have bigger impact that ever, on you, others and the animus mundi or soul of the earth. The world is watching, whatever you do today will tell the truth about what you value.