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August 2024

Halloween Celebrations

While most cultures honor their deceased ancestors, the date for the celebrations have varied widely.s a time when the veils between the worlds were thin.

Mars in Cancer

Picture Cancer as a home full of food, comforts and hugs, a safe space that encourages emotional support and guidance. Now imagine that home with the mighty warrior, Mars, taking up residence.

The Libra scales are flanked by autumn leaves lighting the hope for balance during this season.

Fall Equinox & Libra Balance

The Fall Equinox, also known as the First Day of Fall, balances the hours of day and night. Already in Metro-Detroit we’ve lost an hour of daylight since September started.

In August’s Conflict, Hero’s Emerge

The Aquarius Full Moon always challenges us to heroic efforts as we reconcile the tension between our longing for a brighter future for our community and our immediate desires for personal power. This year that tension comes with 2 weeks of shocking conflict in mid-August.