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Wash Your Energy

We’ve all been taught to wash our hands after using the bathroom, have you ever considered washing your energy as well?


Along with buried secrets and intense transformation, Pluto rules hidden power, depth psychology, black markets, organized crime and all matters associated with the Underworld. Pluto brings intensity and often causes power struggles as the demand for transformation is resisted by those who are comfortable with the old ways.

Mars in Cancer

Picture Cancer as a home full of food, comforts and hugs, a safe space that encourages emotional support and guidance. Now imagine that home with the mighty warrior, Mars, taking up residence.

Archangels to the Rescue

The LBRP brings the power of the 4 Archangels into your space. It is one of the most commonly used banishing rituals in Western Magick.

Magical Cleaning

The simplest way to magically clean is to add intent to your regular cleaning. Witches were traditionally depicted with a broom because it’s a powerful tool for cleaning, releasing and refreshing energy. Imagine all the stuck, angry or old energy being swept away as you move around your space.

Mars in Leo

Visualize the attention and excitement captured by the spotlight on a stage as Leo’s domain. Two days before November’s election, a Mighty Warrior makes his grand entrance to accept the glory he feels he so rightly deserves.

The Scorpion is centered in a zodiacal wheel.

Scorpio: Sex, Death and Magic

Astrologically speaking Halloween, happens while the Sun is in Scorpio, the sign that rules sex, death and magic. Scorpionic urges include sacred sexuality, morbid fascinations, and rituals for power and knowledge, tempting every sign while the Sun travels through this arc of the zodiac.

Gifts from my Grandmother

When my Grandmother returned from a funeral, she would place the Funeral or Memorial card in the glass front. The cards were there to remind her pray for their souls and for her to feel closer to those who had passed. In January of 1966, when she returned from her husband’s funeral, she placed his Memorial card in the glass of that china cabinet.

Halloween Celebrations

While most cultures honor their deceased ancestors, the date for the celebrations have varied widely.s a time when the veils between the worlds were thin.

The Libra scales are flanked by autumn leaves lighting the hope for balance during this season.

Fall Equinox & Libra Balance

The Fall Equinox, also known as the First Day of Fall, balances the hours of day and night. Already in Metro-Detroit we’ve lost an hour of daylight since September started.