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Lammas Celebrations

Lammas or Loaf Mass Day, celebrated on August 1st, is a Christian holiday where loaves of bread made from the new grains are blessed. This first harvest festival celebrates the beginning of gathering the crops. The earliest berries and grains are ready in late summer.

Double Indulgent Full Moons

How do we get TWO Aquarius Full Moons this year and why are they so indulgent?

Mid-Summer Celebrations

Whether you are celebrating a wedding, St John’s Day, or the Summer Solstice, may an abundance of blessings surround you on the longest day of the year.

Summer Solstice Eclipse

While we are bursting with the need to nurture and be nurtured, the eclipse leaves us feeling the child’s desire to be loved more than the parental longing to care for others. Into this already emotional tension comes the saturnine discipline trying to place societal limits on our teary inner child.

Let Courage Eclipse the Hurt

Early in June, we’ll need to take a deep breath and allow our inner warrior to give us the courage to be authentic, especially when we feel defensive.

Goth Retro Party in Mid-May

Joining Pluto in the goth retro party, Saturn, Venus and Jupiter are retrograde, adding to Pluto’s melancholy music about hidden power and death tolls with their own dark sounds.

Pluto Backs Up the Plow

When Pluto goes retrograde, we may struggle to have faith that life will rise again from the ashes.

Jupiter jumps into the mix

ur year of limitation and transformation that comes from Saturn and Pluto joining forces, Jupiter is showing up to make everything bigger.

Equinox Changes

As the days and nights are of equal length, the energies of the planet strive for balance. Still feeling the need for hard work, we’ve gotten more aggressive in our pursuits. The energy shifts a bit to allow us to express our dislike for the current authorities, becoming more active and emotional.

Love Spells?

What are the ethics of doing Love Spells? Most people agree that doing a Love Spell or any spell on a person without their permission is wrong. That leaves the possibility of doing love spells with permission.