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T.E.A. with Jane
Join a group of Intuitives every 2nd Monday for Tarot, Energywork and Astrology conversations on Zoom.
Use Tarot and astrology to guide your goals. If you have a Tarot deck handy, I’ll help you give a reading for yourself or others. Learn a new Energetic technique each class and how can you make the most of each month’s Full Moon and upcoming astrological events.

March Madness: Thriving in Eclipse Season
Wednesday, March 5th
How do you thrive during March’s Eclipse Season? What’s the difference between the Lunar Eclipse on March 14th and the Solar Eclipse on March 29th? How will the Venus and Mercury Retrogrades impact you? Discover how to use these upsets to let go of what no longer serves you using your personal chart.
This is the perfect session for anyone with a beginner-level interest in astrology, or anyone looking to better understand themselves.

Spring Clean Your Energy
Wednesday, March 19th
Come discuss the importance of spiritual hygiene in maintaining resiliency. Join a cord cutting guided meditation. Learn techniques you can use to clean the energy in your body, aura and home.

Self Worth and Astrology
Wednesday, April 2nd
Explore your unique approach to self-esteem through the 2nd House in your birth chart. Astrology can help you fine-tune how you improve your self-confidence and offer a road map for healing and growing in the coming months.

What’s Your Type?
Wednesday, April 16th
What’s your Myers-Briggs personality type? What parts of your personality are etroverted and introverted? Come explore the nuances of the 4 polarities as you figure out your strengths and learn how to honor their opposites that describe your shadow.

Family Astrology: 4 Class Series
Every other Wednesday
Here’s a chance to get some help from the stars in understanding your family. We’ll look at their Sun, Moon and Rising and how that interacts with those same points in your chart.
Please give your birth time, date and location when you register and add that info for up to 4 family members in the comments section. Additional family member charts available for $10 each.
This is the perfect session for anyone with a beginner-level interest in astrology, or anyone looking to brush up on their birth chart skills. Due to the extensive preparation, this class is by pre-paid reservation only, and is non-refundable.

Family Astrology: Mothers
Wednesday, April 30th
Here’s a chance to get some help from the stars in understanding your family. Use astrology to describe your approach to emotions, private life and motherhood using your Moon placement and that of your family.
Please give your birth time, date and location when you register and add that info for a family member in the comments section. Additional family member charts available for $10 each.
This is the perfect session for anyone with a beginner-level interest in astrology, or anyone looking to brush up on their birth chart skills. Due to the extensive preparation, this class is by pre-paid reservation only, and is non-refundable.
Jane also teaches the following classes...
Ask about hosting a private class in your home!
Astrology Made Simple
You know your Sun Sign, what’s next? If you can write a sentence, you can learn to interpret your chart. Learn about the signs, planets, houses and how they interact.
You’ll get a copy of your chart and handouts that helps you understand it. How do you express your feelings? What drives and motivates you? You’ll need to give your birth date, time and location when you register. If you know your own chart, give the birth data for a loved one and learn about them!
The Astro Vibes of 2025
What does astrology say about 2025? Join a lively discussion about the coming year’s energy. How can you manage the various retrograde periods and when are they? What the Eclipses changing signs will mean for everyone in the coming year.
This is the perfect class for anyone with a beginner-level interest in astrology, or who is looking to brush up on their astrology skills. Due to the extensive preparation based on each participant’s birth data, this class is by pre-paid reservation only, and is non-refundable
As Your Year Turns:
Does each birthday reveal what the coming year will bring? Yes! Come learn what your last and next birthday charts can tell you about how these years are shaping up for you. Celebrate your astrological birthday potential with insights to make the most of your future.
This is a two part class that includes Solar Return reports for your current and next birthdays. Perfect for those with a beginner-level interest or anyone looking to brush up on their astrology skills. Due to the extensive preparation based on each participant’s birth data, this class is by pre-paid reservation only, and is non-refundable.
The Stars and the Cards
How do tarot cards and astrology work together? They compliment each other! Discover how to get the most out of each system and when to use them to deepen your understanding of yourself and your future.
Learn which card represents Leo. Each of the major Arcana cards represents a planet or a sign. Why does the beginning of Cancer correspond with the 2 of cups? Each astrological sign has 3 numbered cards associated with it.
Honoring Our Ancestors
Like a parent loves a child, our ancestors long to help us. This is even more true for those of us who have had difficult relationships with family members. Find out how you can allow them to make it up to you.
Explore ways to begin generational healing for yourself and your loved ones. Discover how to create an ancestor altar and what offerings will help them give back to you. Come learn ways to open yourself to the gifts your ancestors want to give you.
Money Magic
Want more money? What stands in the way of your prosperity? Identify ways to increase your abundance using gratitude, visualizations, ancestor offerings and Feng Shui. Discuss how money is affected by subtle energy and psychology. Learn magical techniques for creating financial success.
Basic Ritual Construction
Every ritual needs three things, come learn what those are and the many ways to include them. We will then experiment in creating a ritual designed by the class, including elements from Wiccan, Shamanism or Ceremonial Magic.
Cord Cutting
Learn how to get rid of unwanted attachments. Get a fresh start with simple tricks to release what’s holding you back. Learn to reclaim your energy and strengthen the boundaries of your mind, body and spirit.
Tarot Spells
Think you can only do readings with your tarot deck? Think again! Bring a Tarot deck and we’ll discuss different spells that can be done and what cards work best for a variety of results. We’ll end with a small ritual to charge a spell we create together.