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Along with buried secrets and intense transformation, Pluto rules hidden power, depth psychology, black markets, organized crime and all matters associated with the Underworld. Pluto brings intensity and often causes power struggles as the demand for transformation is resisted by those who are comfortable with the old ways.

Change vs Comfort

Practically speaking, the end of January is full of contradictions. We long for change so we’re speeding up our thoughts on innovative improvements. We also long for comfort and the push for more comes at the risk of losing our cool.

The soul of the world looks out from the trees.

Symbolic Gestures Matter

Sunday, Feb 27th is the day to make symbolic gestures. Your subconscious is watching to see what you do, not what you say. So move forward on an important goal. Reach out to those you miss seeing. Set aside time for your passion project. Now is when the actions you take will have bigger impact that ever, on you, others and the animus mundi or soul of the earth. The world is watching, whatever you do today will tell the truth about what you value.

Summer Solstice Eclipse

While we are bursting with the need to nurture and be nurtured, the eclipse leaves us feeling the child’s desire to be loved more than the parental longing to care for others. Into this already emotional tension comes the saturnine discipline trying to place societal limits on our teary inner child.

Jupiter jumps into the mix

ur year of limitation and transformation that comes from Saturn and Pluto joining forces, Jupiter is showing up to make everything bigger.

Equinox Changes

As the days and nights are of equal length, the energies of the planet strive for balance. Still feeling the need for hard work, we’ve gotten more aggressive in our pursuits. The energy shifts a bit to allow us to express our dislike for the current authorities, becoming more active and emotional.

Saturn brings Hard Work

So expect a year long theme of doing the hard work to create a better future. These changes will not be welcomed even by those who see the need for them.

The Christmas Eclipse

This Christmas Season comes with a gift from the stars, a Solar Eclipse on Dec 26th that blesses us with luck, growth and unexpected treats.

January Lunar Eclipse

This Full Moon always brings us up short after the holidays when the Sun is in Capricorn asking for practicality opposing the Moon in Cancer asking for comfort.  This year that longing for more fun and needing more money and time to get things done is being intensified by 5 different things.