Fall Equinox & Libra Balance
The Fall Equinox, also known as the First Day of Fall, balances the hours of day and night. Already in Metro-Detroit we’ve lost an hour of daylight since September started.
The Fall Equinox, also known as the First Day of Fall, balances the hours of day and night. Already in Metro-Detroit we’ve lost an hour of daylight since September started.
October’s New Moon turns up the volume on the theme songs of our past. What you avoided in September could make this New Moon even rougher as Mercury joins 6 other retrograde planets.
Tables decorated with a cornucopia spilled forth fruits and vegetables as the people showed their gratitude to Demeter for the gift of a bountiful harvest. While we no longer create our horn of plenty or cornucopia from a goat’s horn to honor Demeter, Americans still use her symbols to represent abundant harvests.
Talkative Mercury begins a two month journey in Libra on August 30th. Be prepared to discuss all manner of past problems with 6 planets moving backward.
Today’s New Moon will have you feeling lucky in money and love. Use the energy to get prosperous then have a good time. People will be open to your charms and excited about new ideas.
Mercury has finished its second of three retrogrades of 2019. We’ve got 90 days to enjoy communication, travel and electronics behaving normally. During these 3… Read More »Mercury is NOT Retrograde, Now What?
Venus is the planet that rules love and business and helps us create harmony in our relationships. It starts 2019 in Scorpio, moves to Sagittarius… Read More »Venus in 2019