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Along with buried secrets and intense transformation, Pluto rules hidden power, depth psychology, black markets, organized crime and all matters associated with the Underworld. Pluto brings intensity and often causes power struggles as the demand for transformation is resisted by those who are comfortable with the old ways.

The Scorpion is centered in a zodiacal wheel.

Scorpio: Sex, Death and Magic

Astrologically speaking Halloween, happens while the Sun is in Scorpio, the sign that rules sex, death and magic. Scorpionic urges include sacred sexuality, morbid fascinations, and rituals for power and knowledge, tempting every sign while the Sun travels through this arc of the zodiac.

The soul of the world looks out from the trees.

Symbolic Gestures Matter

Sunday, Feb 27th is the day to make symbolic gestures. Your subconscious is watching to see what you do, not what you say. So move forward on an important goal. Reach out to those you miss seeing. Set aside time for your passion project. Now is when the actions you take will have bigger impact that ever, on you, others and the animus mundi or soul of the earth. The world is watching, whatever you do today will tell the truth about what you value.

A statue of Hades seizing Persephone.

Relationship Issues

Relationship issues are STILL dragging us down as Venus, the Goddess of Love, dances with Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld during her 40 days of retrograde.

A figure works to maintain their balance showing the difficult balance required during the Libra New Moon.

The Difficult Balance of October’s New Moon

October’s New Moon turns up the volume on the theme songs of our past. What you avoided in September could make this New Moon even rougher as Mercury joins 6 other retrograde planets. 

A statue of Mercury throwing something behind him.

Mercury and the 6 Retrograde Planets

Talkative Mercury begins a two month journey in Libra on August 30th. Be prepared to discuss all manner of past problems with 6 planets moving backward.

Goth Retro Party in Mid-May

Joining Pluto in the goth retro party, Saturn, Venus and Jupiter are retrograde, adding to Pluto’s melancholy music about hidden power and death tolls with their own dark sounds.

Pluto Backs Up the Plow

When Pluto goes retrograde, we may struggle to have faith that life will rise again from the ashes.