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In August’s Conflict, Hero’s Emerge

The Aquarius Full Moon always challenges us to heroic efforts as we reconcile the tension between our longing for a brighter future for our community and our immediate desires for personal power. This year that tension comes with 2 weeks of shocking conflict in mid-August.

The Great American Eclipse of 2024

These mixed signals and unexpected consequences come from the steroid shot this Eclipse gives to the already challenging Mercury Retrograde period. Allow extra time, consider alternative plans and prepare for surprises.

A figure works to maintain their balance showing the difficult balance required during the Libra New Moon.

The Difficult Balance of October’s New Moon

October’s New Moon turns up the volume on the theme songs of our past. What you avoided in September could make this New Moon even rougher as Mercury joins 6 other retrograde planets. 

A statue of Mercury throwing something behind him.

Mercury and the 6 Retrograde Planets

Talkative Mercury begins a two month journey in Libra on August 30th. Be prepared to discuss all manner of past problems with 6 planets moving backward.

The 20th RWS Major Arcana Tarot Card shows a child riding beneath a shining Sun and foretells success.

19 – The Sun

You have won your place in the Sun. Authorities favor you and success begets more success. Increased vitality should be harnessed, beware of burn out.

Let Courage Eclipse the Hurt

Early in June, we’ll need to take a deep breath and allow our inner warrior to give us the courage to be authentic, especially when we feel defensive.

Lucky in Money and Love

Today’s New Moon will have you feeling lucky in money and love. Use the energy to get prosperous then have a good time. People will be open to your charms and excited about new ideas.