In our Solar System Jupiter, the optimistic and expansive Greater Benefic planet, is followed by Saturn, the realistic and limiting Greater Malefic planet. While Jupiter’s energy enthusiastically embraces optimism, with sardonic wit the Saturnine archetype claims the title of realist mockingly reminding us that their input would be gloomier if they were actually a pessimist. Any work with Jupiter and Saturn asks for us to resolve the tension between hope and reality or growth and sustainability. In 2024 & 2025, that tension peaks 3 times.
Jupiter and Saturn meet every 20 years creating a cycle that is influenced by the sign where they meet. In 2020, these two planets started our current cycle at the very beginning of Aquarius making their ebb and flow more focused on innovation and community service. The Aquarian themes that run in the background for the 20 years of the Jupiter & Saturn cycle are highlighted when any planets move through the sign of technology and social identification. Pluto took up residence in Aquarius where it will stay until long after the next Jupiter & Saturn cycle starts in 2040. For the first few years, Pluto stays close enough to the beginning of Aquarius to keep the pressure on the sensitive point where the cycle started.

During any planetary cycle, the first round of tests come when the two planets have moved 90 degrees apart to form a square. Because Jupiter and Saturn spend so much time retrograde, we get 3 intense exam periods as part of this first round of testing. The two challenges of 2024 are very similar because they happen with the planets in the same signs. The third time these planets come into a square in the middle of 2025, they will both be in different signs and we’ll have to learn a new way of handling the test.
The 2024 squares happen with Jupiter in Gemini which brings out the worst of the optimistic planet. Distractions as well as competing hopes hobble the Greater Benefic in Gemini from May 25, 2024 to June 9, 2025. Jupiter’s confidence usually brings success but in Gemini that optimism is poured into words until the boasting grows too big to be sustained. Saturn swims through Pisces in 2024 and for all but 3 months of 2025. While Saturn isn’t comfortable creating boundaries under water with Pisces, it can provide the foundation for dreams and support world-building for powerful new books and movies.
By the summer of 2025, when the final challenge of the opening square happens between Jupiter and Saturn both of them will have moved into new signs and the areas in which we must resolve their tension will have shifted dramatically. Luckily, Jupiter fares much better in Cancer from June 9, 2025 to June 30, 2026 than it did the previous year in Gemini. Jupiter indulges our need to nurture, relishing in generosity while in Cancer. Saturn, the snarky realist gets rushed and flustered in speedy Aries offering less stability than it gave during the 2024 conflicts. Saturn’s long term perspective and slow deliberation clash with Aries’ impulsive immediacy. Saturn struggles in Aries from May 24th to September 1st of 2025 and that’s when the final square between Jupiter and Saturn happens. It’ll return in Pisces before settling into 2 years of Aries on February 13, 2026.
Of course with a 20 year cycle, the story doesn’t end after we survive the first round of tests. There will be two other periods of challenges to balancing Jupiter’s optimism with Saturn’s reality. Before we face the 2nd challenge at the end of this decade, we get two years of support in our efforts that will start in 2026.
Here’s a quick look at the dates for the Jupiter and Saturn cycle.
12/21/2020 ~ Jupiter and Saturn conjunction at O degrees Aquarius
8/19/2024 ~ Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces
12/24/2024 ~ Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces
6/15/2025 ~ Jupiter in Cancer square Saturn in Aries
8/31/2026 ~ Jupiter in Leo trine Saturn in Aries
2030 ~ Jupiter opposite Saturn
2035 ~ Jupiter square Saturn
2040 ~ Jupiter conjunct Saturn restarts the cycle
Wanna know more? Check out this YouTube Video about Jupiter, Saturn and the other 2 slow moving planets or this one about their movement. You can also find out more about Pluto in Aquarius here.